Two Unsynchronized Souls-Life Experiences-author Hugh Aaron - Jun 08,2011

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Summary: Born in Worcester, Massachusetts, Hugh Aaron received a degree in the Humanities at The University of Chicago. For 20 years he was CEO of a manufacturing company while writing short stories and essays which have been published in national magazines and anthologies. Also eighteen of his essays on business management and one on WWII appeared in The Wall Street Journal. Since retirement he has written two novels, two screenplays, twenty stage plays, two short story collections, a WWII letter collection, a travel journal, three children's stories, and two books on business management. QUINTET, a collection of five novellas was published in 2005. A second collection of his business essays was published in June, 2009. And a second collection of short stories STORIES FROM A LIFETIME was published in October 2010.. Currently he has created a comic strip of a social satire for a new website. He lives with his artist wife in mid-coast Maine. Stories from a Lifetime carries readers through a widely diverse series of lifes peaks and valleys with poignant, clear-eyed vision and understanding that is only gradually gained across the course of a lifetime through endurance and honest appraisal of the emotional rollercoaster that we all ride. Hugh Aaron delicately reveals the world through the innocent eyes of a young boy, through those of a soldier far from home during wartime, and those of a struggling businessman and faltering husband. He is unafraid to reveal panic beneath a façade of success, the deep and hollow sadness that may exist in an outwardly happy marriage, the yearning we feel to make a break for freedom from the rat race, the unexpected emotional responses that shift lives far beyond the expected course of events. These stories form a welcome, and increasingly rare, honest, grounded, and beautifully written collection that will touch nerves while sympathizing with what it means to be human 8PM EST, 7PM CST, 6PM Mountain, 5PM PST