Creativity In Writing with Special Guest Pat Bertram - Dec 23,2011

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Summary: Pat Bertram is a native of Colorado. When the traditional publishers stopped publishing her favorite type of book — character and story driven novels that can't easily be slotted into a genre — she decided to write her own. Second Wind Publishing liked her style and published four of Bertram's books: Light Bringer, Daughter Am I, More Deaths Than One, and A Spark of Heavenly Fire. Bertram blogs about writing and the writing life at Becka Johnson had been abandoned on the doorstep of a remote cabin in Chalcedony, Colorado when she was a baby. Now, thirty-seven years later, she has returned to Chalcedony to discover her identity, but she only finds more questions. Who has been looking for her all those years? Why are those same people interested in fellow newcomer Philip Hansen? Who is Philip, and why does her body sing in harmony with his? And what do either of them have to do with a shadow corporation that once operated a secret underground installation in the area? Bertrams publisher says: "I was told by some other small publishers with whom I had done research that I was going to get mountains of unacceptable crap for every worthy thing I received. So when I got Pats manuscript for A Spark of Heavenly Fire, which was like the first submission to Second Wind, I thought, OMG, is this possible?! I knew in the first 20 pages that she was the real thing." Join us as we speak of speculative genre, new forms of creativity and Pats journey to find the perfect venue for her writings. Visit via the chat room or call in @ 213-769-0952 to speak live on-air with the author.