A Candid View of Spiritual Freedom with author Chet Shupe - Mar 23,2012

It Matters | Blog Talk Radio Feed show

Summary: Chet Shupe is a successful electronics engineer who once suffered profound attention deficit disorder (ADD). With ADD, social relationships baffled him. After years of bewilderment and depression, his condition was finally diagnosed, and effectively treated. Suddenly, at 43, everything made sense. Shupe emerged from ADD with a unique perspective on the way society functions, both individually and collectively. As a scientist, he bolsters every conclusion with logical and compelling examples. As a person of feeling and intuition, he expresses his hopes for humanity with genuine compassion and sincerity. As a whistleblower to the world, he speaks with urgency about the need to make fundamental, radical changes in our way of life, if we are to assure the eventual well being of humankind. Why is our world essentially without relational intimacy, when that is what we want most is to love and be loved? And why are we destroying the habitat that we need to survive? To Shupe, the two issues are related, plus myriads of other ills from which our culture suffers. Shupe offers his answer regarding the source of these issues, and also suggests a path by which to recover our natural state of intimacy in our relationships and of harmony with the natural world. Visit Chets web-site @ Spiritual Freedom Press Join us March 22nd, 9PM EST,8PM CST,6PM PST via our chat room or by calling in to our live broadcast @ 213-769-0952.