Message Mate: Rehoboam: The Reckless Phoney

Insight for Living Canada Daily Broadcast show

Summary: Sep 25, 2012 - Sep 26, 2012 1 Kings 12:1-16 Movies and TV shows have two different sides: the camera side seen by the viewers, and the other, seen only by those who go behind the scenes. From the camera side, buildings and landscapes and luxurious living rooms and even campfires at night look absolutely real. But behind the scenes, everything is exposed as nothing more than a thin veneer of plastic, wood, and metal, held together with flimsy, temporary materials. On the surface everything seems genuine and sturdy. But behind the big front, there's hardly anything there! It's all a big, painted, professional show! Fascinating Stories of Forgotten Lives: Rediscovering Some Old Testament Characters read more