Lean-Agile and the Project Manager - Part II

Lean-Agile Straight Talk show

Summary: Lean-Agile and Project Management - Part 2 This show involves two conversations. First, a short discussion about how the need for speed-to-market to stay ahead of younger competition is a fundamental driver for Lean-Agile. Then, we continue the conversation we started last week about Lean-Agile and Project Managers. In particular, we focus on: The Project Manager as fundamental partner in optimizing processes (internal and external) The true responsibilities of the PM (improving what you can influence, not just what you can control) How PMs reduce waste (How project managers can help to reduce waste: multitasking; getting testing and development to be working more closely; equipping the team with knowledge and skills; improving the processes that support the team) Getting the team to follow Principle Zero (Principle Zero: There is always a cost to violating a principle, regardless whether it is the right decision to violate the principle; so always stop and count the cost to see if the decision is worth the cost. Facilitating frequent retrospections The PM and Metrics This show introduces Jean McAuliffe, a new senior consultant from Boulder, Colorado who has just joined Net Objectives. She comes with a lot of great experience in Agile processes and tools and is a great addition to the team. Scheduling Note Over the next several months, Alan and I plan to have a series of discussions to delve into what he is learning and deepen our understanding about why this is so important to people doing product development. He has been teaching the Lean-Agile Overview with major companies across the US and overseas and is bursting with important insights. These are going to be longer podcasts, so I may only get 2 or 3 a month, so keep a watch for them. They will always be posted on this blog site, so keep looking for them. These are going to be longer podcasts, so I may only get 2 or 3 a month, so keep a watch for them. They will always be posted on this blog site, so keep looking for them. Make this series useful for you I want this to be very useful to you and want to dive into the issues you care most about. So, I would appreciate it if you would drop me a note to jim.trott@netobjectives.com with the topics you want us to cover. This blog and podcast series is really about how we can provide value to you. Recommendations - Training by Net Objectives Lean-Agile Software Development Recommendations - Reading Implementing Lean Software Development: From Concept to Cash (The Addison-Wesley Signature Series), by Mary and Tom Poppendieck Lean Software Development by Mary and Tom Poppendieck Music used in this podcast: “Pizzaman” and “Chocolate” ©2006 William Cushman: ghostnotes.blogspot.com “On the Cool Side” ©2006 Kevin McLeod: http://www.incompetech.com/ For more information, contact info@netobjectives.com or visit us at http://www.netobjectives.com Blog Type: PodcastLog in or register to post comments