Planet Waves FM - Eric Francis Astrology, Wednesday, August 10

Planet Waves FM with Eric Francis show

Summary: In today's edition of Planet Waves FM, I look at Mars setting off the cardinal cross (currently square Uranus and opposite Pluto), as well as the Epoch of Revolution aspect Uranus square Pluto. When we reach one of these movements, we seem to have less to lose, and more to gain by experimenting, flexibility and not honoring the old, intractable and boring way of doing things. We might be feeling some instability and that is the invitation to explore. The revolutionary activity mainly the personal revolution in your own consciousness is being set off by this weekend's Full Moon in Aquarius. I also cover how Mercury retrograde is influencing all this adventure. In the second segment I talk to Liz DiNovella, the cultural editor of The Progressive, who was on the scene of one of the recall elections yesterday in Wisconsin. For our musical guest, I reprise the Grateful Dead one more week, extending Jerry Garcia's birthday celebration.