Arcanum 16: Fragility (Ayin)

Twenty-two Arcana of Tarot and Kabbalah show

Summary: Lecture quote: "The Tower that is collapsing: this is the Arcanum that is also called the Tower of Babel.  We are arriving at the point in which we have to explain in detail about the fall of humanity, in order to understand this Arcanum, related with the letter AYIN, which is related with the eyes, with the divine sight, with that divine sight related with all the powers of the human being.  When we talk about the divine sight, we have to understand that this is not only related with the power of clairvoyance. Divine sight is that power that allows us to see in a broad way all of that which is in relation with our inner Being.  We will say it is the power of understanding or knowing our own particular Being, because the only reason, the only objective, the only goal of creation is for the Being to know Himself.  This is why creation exists. In the universe, there are many levels attained in relation to the knowledge of oneself.  The knowledge of oneself is the knowledge of the Being, which is an army of children, an army that in the Hebrew language and in Kabbalah is called Elohim Sabaoth.  This is how Kabbalah explains the multiplicity of the unity.  These children, or parts of the Being, have different attributes and duties that they have to perform, powers that have to be developed, and all of them coincide with one another. When somebody acquires the development of all the powers of his inner Being, his own consciousness, this person has developed a diamond soul (vajrasattva). The diamond soul is the consciousness that is developed by experience in creation, with experience in the universe.  So the Being comes to know Himself by developing that soul, and in that development He acquires divine sight.  That divine sight is represented by the letter AYIN, and is the way in which we can see God, or the way in which we can understand or comprehend our own particular Monad, in relation with the universe. The only objective reason, the goal of creation, is to acquire that. In the development of this objective reasoning there are six degrees, and these are related only with the Direct Path.