Toastcaster 23 - Robert Barnhill Past Int’l Pres Becomes Honorary Canadian, Eh!

Toastcaster Communication Leadership Learning Lab show

Summary: Get ready to Laugh!!!  Take off Eh! Jana and Robert (Bob) Barnhill International President and Past Int'l Pres respectively, visited Toastmasters D42 (Saskatoon Saskatchewan) in May 2009. Of course Jana got all the attention so Robert felt a little left out. So District Governor Elect Tim Hubick decided that he would do something about it so he asked LGET Elect Greg Gazin (aka Doug McKenzie, Hoser) - to be the impromptu grammarian (for some free beer, EH!), and help Robert with his Canadiana and in the meantime induct both Jana and Robert as Honorary Canadians. Beauty! Take Off Eh!  It was a great pleasure and honor - not to mention a tremendous blast to have our International President Jana and Past International President Robert with us. A fun time was had by all! <br> <br> A larger version of this video can be seen on <a href="">YouTube</a> <br> <br> Video Preview Image by Spencer Fawkes <br> <br> <br>