Limited Appeal - Sponge lattice ocean

Limited Appeal show

Summary: We begin this episode in Pooh Corner, where we try to answer the following question posed to Warren by a fortune cookie: how much deeper would the ocean be without sponges? You may think you know the answer, but our discussion should make you think twice, as we vacillate between rather determined answers of "a bit", "not at all", and even a rather persuasive "maybe it would even get shallower without sponges". And if you think you've got sponges cased, how about lobsters? It turns out this is a really complex question. In the end we settle on a satisfyingly vague set of two solutions: either "maybe," or "it depends". So now you know. If you have a similarly vexing fortune cookie riddle, let us know by email ( – we're always happy to solve our listener's problems. Theme music courtesy of Mugison and Ipecac Recordings.