Crazy Wedding History

Good Guys To Know show

Summary: Hey everybody. I want to start out by saying a BIG congratulations to Geo for getting engaged since last episode! As all of our astute listeners have probably already discovered, he is the last of the Good Guys to take the plunge, making 3 of the 4 of us now in the midst of planning a wedding. As the only married member of the group – I, Perek – decided to dig up some history on marriage and sought to find the reasons behind some of our most dearly held traditions. It’s not something we think about too much as we fight to grab a bouquet or garter, but it sure will give you some awesome things to talk about when you are sitting at some random wedding table with 7 other people. Whether these guys decide to continue these traditions is up to them (or probably their SOs). Let us know if you’ve ever seen anything crazier than a kidnapped bride getting her dress ripped off by the wedding guests!