Cockney Rhyming Slang

Good Guys To Know show

Summary: Ello Govna!  With Mitch just returning from a trip to London, the location of the upcoming 2012 Summer Olympics, the good guys take this opportunity to learn about Cockney, or Ryming Slang, a unique facet of the dialectal English from London’s East End.  Also an absentee Chad proposes a Rubix Cube Challenge, Mitch brings in a new Nerd Alert and Perek makes a glorious return to the forums with another Today I Learned.  Hang up the dog, get off your Aris, grab a Britney and enjoy the show!  Thanks for listening! Interested in throwing some Cockney slang into your everyday language?  Check out or, use some of our own personal favorites: “Stop being an elephant!” = Elephant and castle = A**hole “Give me a Britney!”  = Britney Spears = Beer “Let’s go to the near!”  = Near far = Bar “Can I borrow some bees?”  = Bees and Honey = Money “Go park the Scooby!” = Scooby Doo = Subaru   An example of Cockney Slang from the brilliant movie Green Street Hooligans!  (viewer discretion advised) Green Street Hooligans