Olympic Trivia

Good Guys To Know show

Summary: Whether you are in love with the olympics, or sick of them – you WILL be watching.  Why not enrich your knowledge and/or gather some things to distract yourself during the seemingly endless coverage?  I took more than my fair share of online quizzes and wrote down all of the ones that were not incredibly boring.  Here are all the questions – play along with the episode, and you will definitely have some stuff to talk about with your buddies. The first Olympic games (776 BC) were held in honor of which Greek figure? Zeus Athena Achilles Hercules What do the five interlinked Olympic rings on the flag represent?  The number of countries in the first olympics The 5 major Continent blocks (Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia) The 5 world races 5 is the number most associated with Peace What do the colored rings on the flag represent Designer’s favorite Colors Each color exists at least once on every nation’s flag Water, Stone, Fire, Light, Earth Committee Vote What do the colored rings on the flag represent Designer’s favorite Colors Each color exists at least once on every nation’s flag Water, Stone, Fire, Light, Earth Committee Vote What is the Olympic Motto? ‘Citius, Altius, Fortius’ – faster higher stronger ‘It is not to have conquered, but to have fought well.’ ‘The important thing is not the triumph, but the struggle.’ ‘It is not to win, but to take part.’ __________ were not allowed at the first modern Olympic games in 1896, as their inclusion was deemed “impractical, uninteresting, unaesthetic, and incorrect.” Medals National Flags Women Uniforms In what year did the Olympic flag Debut? 1896 1920 1965 1992 Which country is first in line during the Opening Ceremony’s Parade of Nations? The country with the most medals from the last Olympics The host city Greece Alphabetically 1st Which of the following sports has not been an event at the Summer Olympics? Tug-Of-War. Croquet. Roller hockey. Live Pigeon shooting. What word was eliminated from the Olympic Charter in 1971, causing controversy and dramatic changes in competition ever since… Christian Aggregate Intentional Amateur Every 2 years, the Olympic torch is relit using… The sun Flint and steel Leftover Oil from the previous torch The torch is never extinguished A Marathon is 26 Miles and 385 yards.  This distance is set because… It is the distance between Athens and Marathon Greece 385 yards was added on so the queen could get a better view It makes a lot more sense in metric It was the farthest any runner got in the first Olympic marathon race How many times has the winter Olympics been held in the southern hemisphere? 0 2 3 5 The first suspension for drug abuse was at the 1968 Mexico City Games. The drug in question was ______________. The competitor was a Swedish pentathlete, Hans-Gunnar Liljenwall. Marijuana Cocaine Tetrocyclera Beer How many modern Olympic games have been cancelled?  Over the past 117 years only three Olympic Games have been cancelled and in every case it was due to a World War. (1916, 1940 & 1944) 1 3 4 0 At the 1900 Olympics in Paris, champions were given ________ instead of medals as they were believed to be more valuable grapes paintings silken robes cocks (male chickens) What percentage of the silver medal is silver? 100 92 67 8 Which city hosted the Winter Games only two years after the previous Winter Games had been held? Calgary Moscow Salt Lake City Lillehammer Basketball has been a regular Olympic sport since 1936. From then, until the year 2000, only three teams have won Gold. The USA and Russia (or earlier the USSR) are two of them. Which is the only other Country to take the gold medal? China Serbia Yugoslavia Australia In what order do athletes enter the stadium at the CLOSING ceremonies? No particular order By country and medal count By country ascending By country descending