Will Print Survive the Next Ten Years?

FORA.tv - Daily Audio FORAcast show

Summary: Zite CEO Mark Johnson, journalist Chris Taylor, Mother Jones editor-in-chief Clara Jeffery, and Federated Media Publishing's chief community officer Laney Whitcanack discuss whether print media will still exist in 10 years. Complete video available for free at http://fora.tv/2012/05/10/Digital_Publishing_The_End_of_Print The average San Franciscan is more likely to get their media from a screen than from a paper, so it’s no surprise that newspapers and magazines are shutting down all around us; the editorial space and the way we consume news has changed. What will editorial look like years from now? Will curated content really be king? Can non-digital publications stay afloat? Leading digital experts will share their experiences, honest thoughts and predictions for the future of publishing.