Economy vs. Abortion: 2012 Election and the War on Women - Daily Audio FORAcast show

Summary: Political pollsters Kellyanne Conway and Anna Greenberg discuss how the Democratic Party is attempting to curry female voters on the issue of women's medical and reproductive rights. While the state of the economy is issue number one, the expert survey researchers disagree about the importance of possible contraception challenges. Complete video available for free at Kellyanne Conway is founder and president of the polling company™, inc./WomanTrend, a privately-held, woman-owned corporation founded in 1995. She is one of the most-quoted pollsters on the national scene, having provided commentary on over 1,200 television shows as well as numerous radio shows and print stories. Anna Greenberg is a leading pollster and an expert in survey research methodology with nearly 15 years of experience. Since joining Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research in 2001, Dr. Greenberg has worked with many elected officials and a wide range of NGOs and advocacy groups. Her areas of expertise include women and politics, LGBT rights, religion and politics, healthcare policy, and drug policy reform.