Obamacare in the Supreme Court 3-20-12

Federalist Society Event Audio show

Summary: The U.S. Supreme Court is now ready to hear oral argument in one of the most highly anticipated cases in the modern era, Florida v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, a consolidated series of challenges to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Our panel of experts analyzed the case and all issues before the Court, including discussion of the constitutionality of the individual mandate provision, severability, coercion and the Medicaid provision, and the implications of the Anti-Injunction Act. Featuring Prof. Randy E. Barnett of Georgetown University Law Center; The Honorable Walter Dellinger of O'Melveny & Myers; Prof. Neal K. Katyal of Georgetown University Law Center; Mr. C. Kevin Marshall of Jones Day; and Mr. Stuart Taylor, Jr., of the National Journal and the Brookings Institution, as the moderator.