Modcast #53: Justin Miller

Modular People Modcast show

Summary: "Justin Miller used to give me mild panic attacks every time I'd run in to him. The guy looks like some obscure European prince who's bumming around in NYC to escape his duties at home, and being one of the crucial cogs of the DFA machine, you kind of expect him to act like one. This couldn't be further from the truth, the guy is one of the most open and friendly dudes in NYC, and certainly the only guy there who knows how to make a flat white." "In terms of his prowess in delivering music (in a non-tangible, club way as opposed to a 'your CDs in the mail' way) he's also a man of unusual skill. From brooklyn BBQs to support for his enviable stable of artists he's always playing music that would scramble me up; "Can I REALLY go and ask him AGAIN what THIS track is?". Always fun, always unexpected, always super-dancey. This Modcast, "Killer" Miller recorded playing in situ at wolf + lamb last week. We'll put the tracklist up later, however we've been tipped off that there may be something unreleased and of interest to the DFA fanboys/girls out there. Get spotty. - Axel "still kinda intimidated" Moline