Episode 10 – Robot Holocaust!

Gizmonic Institute Radio: Your MST3K Companion show

Summary: <a href="http://supertotallyawesome.com/episode-00-gizmonic-institutes-radio-pilot/girweb-3/" rel="attachment wp-att-1914"></a><br> Quasars, Black Holes and Coments! Oh My! This week we argue with Nolbot about whether or not we need to learn more facts about space. I personally think that we know enough, but apparently  Nolbot feels otherwise. Who knew that the Horsehead Nebula wasn’t made of actual horses?<br> We also watch MST3K Episode 10 – Robot Holocaust, which is the first ever color movie on which Joel and the Bots riffed! This turns out to be less of a triumph and more of a novelty since the movie turns out to be a total bummer. Fortunately the whole thing was salvaged with some good, old-fashioned comedy riffing!<br> If you haven’t yet, you should head over to our <a href="http://facebook.com/gizmonicinstitutesradio" target="_blank">facebook </a>page and give us a like – it’s a super great place to chat with us about MST3K, or just life in general. You can also follow us on <a href="http://twitter.com/MST3K_Podcast" target="_blank">twitter</a>, and if you’re feeling like being a super amazing person and really making our day, stop by our <a href="http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/gizmonic-institutes-radio/id494483050" target="_blank">iTunes page </a>and leave a rating/review.<br> Thanks for listening!<br>