Creating a space

Creating a Healing Space show

Summary: So what does it mean to create a healing space? It's creating an environment which allows people to heal themselves. An example: In the last few weeks I've run into two woman who both said "I used to be your patient years ago. You gave me the strength to leave my abusive husband and now I've got a great life." They were both radiant. I didn't give them the strength, I, and all the other people who helped them, allowed them to find their own strength. We helped create the emotional, psychological and spiritual environment which allowed them to grow to be the women they wanted to be. We encouraged the women to be strong and stand up for themselves and recreate the lives they wanted. We spoke to their souls, reminded them of who they are. We were just catalysts to start these womens transformation. The healing space is a space that we create around ourselves and our patients that allows our patients (and us) to grow to own full potential. It's partly about removing our preconceived ideas about how things should be and quietening the negative thoughts we have about our patients. This is part of the reason that mind stilling exercises are so important - the mind chatter we have about our patients often gets in the way of a truly healing interaction. With a still mind we can go to the bed side with an open mind and just be with our patients and allow them to be their true selves The healing space is also about resonating with the patient to find out what their potential is, what they really want, deep down inside. It's about listening to the patient and using our sixth sense or intuition to divine what is best for the patient. With practice the healing space is a perceivable space around you and the patient. A space that calls both of you towards your potential. Download audio