Creating a Healing Space show

Summary: I recently met a couple of very lively 90 year old patients which reminded me about vitality Health is a bland word in our language. What we really want for ourselves and our patients is vitality: being alive with energy. Vitality is an elusive, ephemeral state in our society, often seen as a characteristic of youth, lost, never to be regained, as we steadily decay then finally die. This is not the natural way of things. Unencumbered by the mental noise of past failures, negative self talk, doubts, societal beliefs of what how people are and how we age, we actually have huge amounts of energy available to us at any age. As we reconnect ourselves, as we dissolve the mind-made barriers between mind, body and soul, we become alive and enthusiastic. We laugh more freely and more often. Life is fun. We see the good in ourselves, others and the world. And vitality is infectious. As you become more alive, by induction, those around you will become more alive. By this process we help our patients back to vitality and aliveness