Rose Tinted Glasses

Creating a Healing Space show

Summary: Some people say I see the world through rose tinted glasses. It is true. I do see a rosy world. I choose to see a rosy world. Some say I am unrealistic, that there is a lot of bad in the world. Yes there appears to be a lot of bad in the world, and what are we going to do about it? If we see the world through grey tinted glasses we tend to create more grey in our world. We see and create negativity, complaint, anger and frustration. These thoughts and feelings don’t solve problems, rather they usually just generate more. With rose tinted glasses we tend to see solutions rather than problems, to see people who can help rather than hinder, to see hope rather than despair. And perhaps rose tinted glasses tell the truth and other glasses are just tinted grey by a collection of false beliefs and stories - all the accumulated dross of our society. Perhaps we can remove the grey coating from our glasses leaving them beautifully rose tinted. Perhaps if at every instant we choose to look through rose tinted rather than grey glasses, we are choosing to see and create a better world. Try it for a day. Choose to only see the good in people and situations. Choose to think “this person is probably angry because something bad has happened at home this morning. I wonder what would happen if I gave them a hug?” Choose to ignore the bad. Turn off the TV, don’t read the paper. Initially it is very hard to do, seeing the bad in everything is a stubborn habit - notice how much those around you complain, notice how much of the conversation in our society is complaint. Initially seeing the good feels very false. With time and practice it becomes easy and your world changes, it soon becomes your normal way of being and what a relief. We start to see the beauty in people, see how most people are doing the best they know how to, are able to see solutions rather than problems about us, to find people who can help us. Other than the feeling that you are right and that others are bad and wrong, what do you have to lose? I encourage you to try it for just one day. Download audio