Episode 11: The Best and Worst Superpowers

Do I Dare To Eat  A Peach show

Summary: Want to stop a bank robbery? Want to being unnecessarily cruel to petty criminals? Want to sneak into movies without paying for them, and steal Milk Duds from behind the counter? Then a life of superpowers is for you! This week, Dan and Robison dive into Wikipedia's exhaustive list of superpowers and discuss which would be best for crime fighting, and also which would be best for just normal, everyday life. We come up with a new superhero team that is, as yet, untapped by Big Comics. You can get in on the ground floor with this idea. Also, our podcast is now sponsored (I know, right!?) by Audible. Our pick this week is The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, by Michael Chabon, which you can access by going to www.audibletrial.com/Peach. Go now and start your free 30-day free trial membership.