Are You Your Mother? [Episode 2]

(Over)Thinking Mom » Podcast Episodes show

Summary: Are all daughters ultimately destined to become their mothers?  Is this a good thing?  Why do most women fear this supposed inevitability?  I’ll attempt to answer some of these questions by going to the source itself--my mother (and father). Our conclusions?  We don’t want to become our mothers, but somehow we do, and maybe this isn’t so bad after all.  Too many women think of their mothers as needing to fit the roles of the “fairy godmother” or “evil stepmother”; mothers are human and the connection between your role as a mother and your role as a daughter is a complicated one. Articles "Are You Destined to Become Your Mother" by Stacey Colino in Real Simple "Are you turning into your mother?" by F. Diane Barth in Psychology Today "The Mother Daughter Wars" by Phyllis Chesler at Are You Your Mother?