Adventures of a Stay at Home Mom [Episode 21]

(Over)Thinking Mom » Podcast Episodes show

Summary: Many people, Oprah included, often hail moms, especially stay at home moms, as those with the hardest and most important job in the world.  However, misconceptions about our day to day lives are prevalent.  When I tell people I’m a stay at home mom, I’m often met by condescension, confusion, or indifference.  In a society that measures success through job descriptions, where does the stay at home mom fit? I talk with Alyssa, stay at home mom and blogger at about this job.  How does she keep her son amused?  What is the hardest part of the day?  The most rewarding?  And what does the internet have to do with all this? Don’t forget to subscribe to all (Over)Thinking Mom posts by RSS or Email.  Are you afraid of commitment?  That’s okay, you can subscribe to each portion of the blogcast separately.  Check out by RSS or Email the once a week Podcast Episode.  You can also subscribe through iTunes.  If you have liked the podcasts, feel free to leave a review with iTunes. Adventures of a stay at home mom