Inquiries about Infertility [Episode 30]

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Summary: **We would like to sponsor this podcast from JustKidsStore Travel Gear. We would also like to offer a special 10% discount to your loyal readers. The special code: "OTMcast," as well as a list of discounted brands, can be found at Travel Gear Sale.** Infertility treatment, specifically in vitro, is a hot button issue in the media because of cases like the Octomom or John and Kate Plus 8. It also conjures up images of older women who waited for their fertility window to pass and now spend tens of thousands of dollars on unnatural procedures, thwarting nature. However, what is the experience of an average couple dealing with infertility? Anywhere from one and ten to one and six couples will confront this issue and their stories are often dissimilar to the extreme media representations. I talk with Kerry of who conceived her two toddler twin boys via in vitro fertilization after a three year struggle with infertility. Her story is of course unique to her, but her experience of infertility likely resonates with many other women and couples going through similar measures to create the family they always knew they wanted. Infertility