ZA Tech Show: Episode 37

ZA Tech Show show

Summary: In this episode we discuss Barack Obama, president elect of the USA, appointing a cabinet-level chief technology officer (CTO) for his country while back at home, Ivy Matsepe-Casaburri still being as clueless as ever, continuing to pursue her case against Altech et al. We also mention Lyndall Shope-Mafole, Communications department director-general resigning from the ANC. Microsoft unveiled Windows 7 at its Professional Developers Conference 2008, and we take a closer look at the next incarnation of Microsoft's desktop OS before discussing that Windows 3.1x is no longer available, after being on the market for over 16 years. We get hands on with Gears of War 2 and Far Cry 2. A general gaming discussion ensues and we cast our predictions for when fourth-generation consoles will hit the market. The Nintendo Wii is now the number 1 console in South Africa, according to Nintendo. CNN's holographic reporter gets a mention. Epic. We also look at Google leaving Yahoo! at the altar, Vodafone's purchase of Telkom's share in Vodacom having gone through, and get a lot closer to answering questions surrounding the exclusion of Games from the iTunes App Store in SA. Last, but certainly not least, we welcome MWEB Gadget Genie, that sponsored this episode of the ZA Tech Show. Check out and