Jean Newell: Turn Your Pink Slip into a Red Hot Business!

The Best People We Know Radio Show! show

Summary: Recession proof your bank account by Turning your PINK slip into a RED hot business with the amazing international sensation - Jean Newell.  You may have seen her on QVC, Fox News, The Daily Buzz, or with Matt Lauer on the TODAY Show. Jean Newell the "Boomerpreneur" had many jobs in her 60 plus years, but basically only one career- Real Estate. However, with the decline of the real estate market she knew she had to find another vocation. If you're over 45 you're probably feeling the same way as I did; helpless and hopeless. What do you do with that 25 year experience in an industry that may no longer exist?  Or perhaps you're one of the millions of Baby Boomers or seniors who can't live on a retirement check and you've lost your investments. You now need to find other sources of income.  Jean will help you find a new direction, a new beginning and best of all a new income producing opportunity.  My forthcoming book "How To Turn Your Pink Slip into a Red Hot Business" will help the unemployed successfully transition from career employee to entrepreneur.  Email me at for your FREE sneak preview (type Free sneak book preview in the subject line.)  Visit Jean at