WFUV's Take Five show

Summary: <p>Songwriter Ben Howard was already a hit in the UK when his debut album, 'Every Kingdom', hit U.S. shores this year. Says FUV's Alisa Ali: 'I used to favor singer-songwriters over other musicians. These days though, I've been listening to louder music: more bands, more electronic-based. But listening to Ben Howard reminded me of my roots. I love that experimental keyboard-based stuff, but man am I a sucker for a good guitarist.  There is just something about watching and listening to a person fingerpick on an acoustic guitar - especially when paired with thoughtful lyrics.  It's really the essence of music, isn't it?  A guitar and a voice: that's all you need. I'm so glad we're doing video now with the Studio A sessions. Now you'll be able to see what we see.' [Video at]</p>