008 – SDP – New Beginnings

Surviving Divorce Podcast: Hope, Healing, Recovery, Personal Finance, Co-Parenting show

Summary: Endings & Beginnings Divorce is a time of tragic endings.  It means the end of your marriage, family, dreams, and many more.  You must take time to grieve and heal or will be left with deep emotional wounds that will surface later.  You need time to become emotionally stable and adjust to being single. Divorce is also a time of new beginnings.  Most people will eventually venture into a new relationship.  You will most likely be moving into a new home and may be starting a new job. Who Are You, And Why Are You Here? You should use this time to do some soul searching and figure out who you are.  You will be a different person after divorce and you are definitely a different person than you were before you were married. I am currently reading "Wisdom Meets Passion" by Dan Miller and Jared Angaza.    In it Dan tells a story about a monk who stumbles on a Roman garrison and is asked by a sentry "Who are you, and why are you here?"  the monk then offers to pay the sentry to stand outside his door and ask him the same question every morning. So who are YOU, and why are YOU here? Turn Evil To Good At the end of the book of Genesis Joseph is speaking to his brothers who had sold him into slavery and makes the statement that "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done" Gen 50:20.  You see, by being sold into slavery Joseph was later in a position to save his family from a famine. Paul tells us in Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" How can you take the experience of divorce and use it to better yourself and the lives of others? Feedback Please leave a comment and tell me how you are listening to the show and if you are listening in iTunes, please consider leaving some feedback there.  That will help keep the show visible so others can find it. You can leave a voicemail question by calling 347-433-7664 or by clicking on the button to the right. If your interested in purchasing "Wisdom Meets Passion" you can click here.  This is an affiliate link with Amazon and any purchases made through the link will help support the podcast.