152 - The 3 Gifts Storytellers Gift Us

Power Your Platform show

Summary: <p>In today’s episode, we’re talking about the 3 Gifts Storytellers give us. </p> <p>The first gift storytellers offer the world is the gift of connection. I’ve said this many times before, but stories are the bridges that connect us to each other. When we hear a story, scientific research shows that our brain waves actually start to synchronize with those of the storyteller. </p> <p>Not only do stories connect our brains, but they also shows us we’re not alone. When someone shares a story that we can relate to, our reaction is often, “Hey, me too!” And that reaction of seeing ourselves in someone else’s story creates empathy and understanding as well as an undeniable connection to another human being. </p> <p>The second gift storytellers give us is related to the first – it’s the gift of community. So often, we walk through life believing we are the only person who has ever experienced a particular emotion or setback or defeat – when in fact, there are thousands if not millions of others who are walking a similar journey. When we share our story, we draw others to us, and that often results in the creation of a common bond or community. </p> <p>The third gift storytellers give us is the gift of a more diverse and inclusive worldview. Imagine if all our stories were the same. How incredibly boring would that be? Instead, we have all followed different paths and experienced different moments during our lifetimes. We have encountered different humans and had different reactions to a wide range of events. </p> <p>By sharing these stories with others, we contribute to the richness of the story fabric in our own communities and around the world. </p> <p>When we intentionally seek out a variety of stories and recognize that one person’s story does not represent an entire culture’s story, then we can better appreciate the individuality and uniqueness of the humans who surround us every day. </p> <p>Not only have these diverse voices taught me new ways of solving problems or thinking about global issues, but they’ve also made me realize my own position of privilege in the world. And it also reminds me of my responsibility to leave this world a bit better than I found it.  </p> <p>Thanks so much for listening in today! On behalf of myself and my family, I hope you have a beautiful Christmas season. </p> <p>Until next time, remember to own your story, follow your purpose and raise your voice. Because the world is waiting to hear your story. </p> <p><br></p> <p><strong>EPISODE LINKS: </strong></p> <p>Let’s Work Together- <a href="https://www.powerherplatform.com/contact">https://www.powerherplatform.com/contact</a> </p> <p>PowerHER Platform Web Site - <a href="https://www.powerherplatform.com/">https://www.powerherplatform.com/</a> </p> <p>Story Fuel Newsletter - <a href="https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe">https://www.powerherplatform.com/subscribe</a> </p> <p>Power Your Platform Facebook Group - <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807">https://www.facebook.com/groups/569102257443807</a> </p>