Talmud Class: Is God Relevant?

From the Bimah: Jewish Lessons for Life show

Summary: <p>How do we understand the double absence of God since October 7? The first absence is obvious: where was God when Hamas butchered, maimed, kidnapped, and performed unspeakable atrocities upon the innocent? Not there. The second absence is less obvious but still noteworthy: in the countless articles, podcasts, and conversations, we hear very little about God. Yes, we recite psalms every day. Psalms are poetry about God. Yes, we recite a prayer for the IDF and for the hostages every day, and we pray that God will protect the IDF and rescue the hostages. But for all of our daily prayers, how relevant is God to this moment? Winning the war is relevant. Destroying Hamas is relevant. The courage of IDF soldiers is relevant. Maintaining America’s support for Israel’s war effort is relevant. Maintaining awareness of the hostages (see the unbearably painful exhibit outside the State House of 240 empty chairs at a holiday table) is relevant, the posters are relevant, and the blue ribbons are relevant. Rallies like last week’s in Washington are relevant. Raising millions upon millions of dollars for Israel continues to be hugely relevant. But God? Is God relevant? Our text will be Jacob’s vows in this week’s portion: If God is with him in certain ways, he is with God. The implication is clear. If God is not with him, he is not with God. Is that us, now?</p>