153. BioLogos Book Club | Braiding Sweetgrass

Language of God show

Summary: In our second ever BioLogos book club, we bring you a discussion on the book Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. Our expert guests include Carol Bremer-Bennett, the Executive Director of World Renew; Rick Lindroth, a retired professor of ecology; and Debra Rienstra, a Professor of English. They discuss various themes from the book, including the importance of reciprocity and harmony in our relationship with the natural world, the dangers of consumerism and greed, and the need for a more inclusive and respectful language to describe non-human beings. They also explore the intersection of indigenous wisdom, science, and Christianity, and the potential for these perspectives to complement and enrich one another. Download our discussion guide for Braiding Sweetgrass here. Join a conversation about this episode on the BioLogos Forum. Register for the 2024 Science and Faith Conference, April 17 - 19 | Raleigh, NC