232. What Workouts To Get Faster: Examples & How To Calculate Them

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Summary: <p><a href="www.run4prs.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">www.run4prs.com</a></p> <p>Workouts are a very important part of reaching your potential as a runner. We talk a lot about the benefits of easy running but sometimes we neglect to talk about the importance of not only running hard workouts but the importance of WHAT workouts you do. If you are training for a marathon, you don’t want to be spending a ton of time doing sprinting anaerobic workouts. Training the right systems for your goals is important. It is equally as important to make sure you are training at the appropriate paces for your current fitness levels so that you are stressing the correct systems to improve!</p> <ol> <li> <p>How much mileage per week should be running workouts</p> </li> <ol> <li> <p>10-20% (for 40 miles a week that is 4-8 miles per week)</p> </li> <li> <p>Workout days should always have warm up and cool down miles</p> </li> <li> <p>4-8 miles of hard work can be split up into 2 runs with 2-2 mile warm up at cool downs</p> </li> <li> <p>Your workout days may be 8 miles in total but only contain 3-4 miles of hard running in them</p> </li> </ol> <li> <p>How do you know what paces you should be running</p> </li> <ol> <li> <p>Test fitness with a 5k</p> </li> <li> <p>VDOT calculator</p> </li> <li> <p>Make adjustments based on training conditions/wind/heat/hills/etc!</p> </li> <li> <p>Effort based can work but we don’t want to go 100% based off that in the beginning when we are learning</p> </li> </ol> <li> <p>What type of workouts are best for the marathon/half marathon</p> </li> <ol> <li> <p>Longer tempos</p> </li> <li> <p>Steady states</p> </li> <li> <p>MP tempos as race approaches</p> </li> <li> <p>Threshold work</p> </li> <li> <p>Medium long run</p> </li> <li> <p>Cut down/progression runs</p> </li> </ol> <li> <p>What type of workouts are best for the 5k/10k</p> </li> <ol> <li> <p>Threshold workouts</p> </li> <li> <p>Speed workouts</p> </li> </ol> </ol>