18 Ways To Become The Spiritual Leader In Your Home: For Respect, Love, Devotion, And Trust! Part 1 (CARP156)

Catholic Alpha Radical show

Summary: ❖ In this 156th episode? Catholic Alpha's Radical Rant: Your duty and mission as a man, to become the spiritual leader in your home!<br> <br> ❖ [Quote:] “Christian Soldier: The spiritual battle is upon you. No longer can you remain aloof. You are made for combat; made to fight the inner spiritual battle against evil daily." [End Quote]<br> <br> ❖ Jerry Jacobs Jr. ~ Catholic Alpha<br> <br> ❖ In this 156th episode of the Catholic Alpha Radical LIVE Show we discuss...<br> <br> ❖ The importance of father’s in the home and 18 ways for him to become closer to God, his wife, and children, for respect and love!<br> <br> ❖ Plus, your LIVE calls to answer your Catholic marriage problem questions.<br> <br> ❖ Caller #1 – The judges must consider all factors in a divorce before making a judgement.<br> <br> ❖ Reference for this episode: Fatherless Homes Statistics<br> <br> ❖ Here is the link: https://thefatherlessgeneration.wordpress.com/statistics/<br> <br> ❖ Can you afford to miss this?<br> <br> ❖ Get your Radical Relationship Advice Today... <br> <br> ❖ Listen Now!<br>