#581: Confidence Gender Gap and Breaking Self-Limiting Perspectives

The Confidence Podcast  show

Summary: Podcast #581CONFIDENCE GENDER GAP AND BREAKING SELF-LIMITING PERSPECTIVESIf you notice a difference between the confidence, and wages, of men and women in the workplace, and you want to know what's going on and what to do about it, this episode is for you. The confidence gender gap is a real thing, and today's episode is a conversation with one of the world's leading experts on the study of the phenomenon. Buckle up to be fired up about the role each of us plays in closing the confidence gender gap, and in breaking self-imposed limiting perspectives. If you want to break your own internal and external glass ceilings this year, this is the episode for you.In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're chatting about:* The confidence gender gap* How to start questioning the limiting perspectives you've placed on yourself * Talking back to your life script and life narrative in a powerful way. JOIN NEW YOU WEEK:<a href="https://www.trishblackwell.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/PNG-image-1.png"></a><a href="http://www.trishblackwell.com/newyou" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.trishblackwell.com/newyou&amp;source=gmail&amp;ust=1704837457386000&amp;usg=AOvVaw3LT6gs6MvvywZVf7t6C2Ya">www.trishblackwell.com/newyou</a>ABOUT CLAUDIAClaudia Dempsey is a mom, wife, educator, woman of faith, and personal growth enthusiast. With a passion for personal development and a heart for equipping others, Claudia is dedicated to helping women climb higher and go further on the journey of life. Her focus? Showing women how to embrace their life purpose, dismantle limiting beliefs, accelerate personal growth, and optimize their impact.As a seasoned administrator in higher ed, with two leadership doctorates and a master's in counseling, Claudia has spent decades studying practical strategies that will empower women to score tangible wins in every aspect of their lives.Simply put, she's a woman on a mission to help others unleash their potential and make a profound impact on the world around them!CONVERSATION WITH CLAUDIASome approach the pursuit of confidence as though it were a straightforward, one-dimensional path to a desired location.  The reality is, however, that confidence is a dynamic, deep-rooted, and multidimensional experience. So, we have to understand the different facets and dimensions involved...and embrace the process of growing into these different dimensions. (Rather than moving forward in a straight line, we need to look at confidence development as expanding the circumference of who we are.In addition to understanding the complexity of confidence, I think it is critical that we understand the complexity of our cumulative life script and how that impacts the way we view ourselves, as well as our role and value in the world. If we are not careful, we will live in subjectivity to an imposing narrative that we don't even know exists.  (*Awareness is one of the number ways people can begin to confront under-confidence.)Research confirms that there is a very real confidence gender gap. .Many ask why the gender gap exists:  Because of the values and traditions of our culture, the social undercurrents in existing organizations, how we are individually socialized, and the fact that women are generally wired to be relational, socially cooperative, and interdependent while men are more independent and individualistic. This means that women generally assess the value of who we are or what we do through the filter of our collective social networks (we're often more predisposed to sociotrophy). "...Who do they say I am?"Confidence rises and falls on the fulcrum of limiting perspectives. We have to be astute learners of our own perceptions, thoughts patterns...etc. Our thoughts are going to follow the "road most traveled" (neural pathways), so we have to be intentional about refusing to travel those damaging pathways while simult...