Hope For The Holidays: John 11/28/23 LISTEN HERE!!!

Johnny Dare Morning Show show

Summary: Dear Johnny, My brother John has been without teeth for several years now.  John has an intellectual disability, and has gotten by on social security and odd jobs all his life. His teeth started to really get bad in his 30s. My family and I started paying towards his tooth extractions and his dentures. We got halfway through the procedures when Dad died, and the whole family fell on hard times. John is now in his late forties. And he still has no teeth.  The tops were removed, and he received a top set of dentures.  But we haven't been able to get his bottoms done.  It's been years.  He can't wear the top piece because it chips what's left of his bottom teeth.  It's been a hard time, and I had $1300 saved up a few years ago. But that $1300 dwindled little by little over the last few years as I had a whole slew of family get sick and pass.  I need to get his teeth fixed.  Medicare doesn't help with dentistry, and I would love to see him eat his favorite foods again. Thank you, Tony  Who Helped: Joel, Chuck, Consentino’s How You Helped: $1000 for new dentures and $500 for groceries