MacVoices #23301: MacVoices Live! - A Windows Access App For Mac and iOS?

MacVoices Video show

Summary: This MacVoices Live! panel wraps up by discussing a new Windows Access app for Mac and iPad that simplifies remote desktop usage. The bright side is that there are benefits for Mac users in a Windows environment and the increasing popularity of Microsoft products for Mac users and Mac usage in large corporations like IBM. We conclude with a Microsoft-oriented warnings about Bing and what you may be asked to give up. (Part 3) MacVoices Live! Today’s edition of MacVoices is supported by MacVoices Live!, our weekly live panel discussion of what is going in the Apple space as well as the larger tech world, and how it is impacting you. Join us live at at 8 PM Eastern 5 PM Pacific, or whatever time that is wherever you are and participate in the chat, or catch the edited and segmented versions of the show on the regular MacVoices channels and feeds. Show Notes: Chapters: 0:02:02 Introducing the Microsoft Remote Desktop app 0:03:03 Improved Remote Desktop Tools for Accessing Virtual Desktops 0:04:52 Microsoft’s Mac App for Logging into Windows PC 0:07:20 Mac vs PC: A Better Experience for IT Departments 0:07:53 IBM’s Mac Investment for Cost Savings 0:09:04 Azure Virtual Desktops as a Sandbox for Developers 0:09:18 Suspicious Request from Microsoft’s Image Generator 0:10:28 Microsoft’s Request for Birth Date Raises Concerns 0:12:52 Exercise Caution with Microsoft’s Image Generator 0:13:43 Age Restrictions and Image Generation in Selling Services 0:14:43 Concerns about Apple’s request for birthdates 0:14:58 A Test of Technical Difficulties Links: What is Windows App? Support: Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon Enjoy this episode? Make a one-time donation with PayPal Connect: Web: Twitter: Mastodon: Facebook: MacVoices Page on Facebook: MacVoices Group on Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram: Subscribe: Audio in iTunes Video in iTunes Subscribe manually via iTunes or any podcatcher: Audio: Video: