Amazing Race 35 | Final 3 Exit Interviews Ep 12

Rob Has a Podcast | Survivor / Big Brother / Amazing Race - RHAP show

Summary: Amazing Race 35 | Final 3 Exit Interviews Episode 12<br> Rob Cesternino &amp; Jessica Liese bring you this week’s Amazing Race exit interview. Today, Rob and Jessica speak to the final three teams (two on audio; all three on video) from season 35 of The Amazing Race!<br> The exit interview gives listeners a behind-the-scenes look into life in the race, and allows the racers to share their unique perspectives.<br> Today we are joined by father and son, Rob and Corey McArthur, who finished in third place (video only); Best friends Joel Strasser and Garrett Smith, second place finishers; and the winners of The Amazing Race 35, brothers Greg and John Franklin!<br> <br> <br> Race on over to Twitter to follow these hosts and share all of your thoughts with us on Twitter by tagging <a href="">@RobHasAPodcast</a> and using the hashtag #RHAP!<br> <br> * Rob Cesternino <a href="">@robcesternino</a><br> * Jessica Liese <a href="">@HaymakerHattie</a><br> <br> Never miss an episode of Amazing Race coverage by subscribing to <a href="">RHAP’s Amazing Race Feed. </a><br>  <br>