Survivor 45 | Katurah Topps Post-Season Interview

Rob Has a Podcast | Survivor / Big Brother / Amazing Race - RHAP show

Summary: Survivor 45 | Katurah Topps Post-Season Interview<br> It’s time for another Survivor 45 post-season interview. Get a look behind the Survivor scenes and catch a fresh perspective from the castaways themselves. Today, Rob Cesternino (<a href="">@RobCesternino</a>) is joined by Katurah Topps (<a href="">@KaturahTopps</a>) to discuss her time in Fiji! Learn more about her strategic choices, alliances, relationships and much much more!<br> We love to hear your Survivor feedback! Tag us on Twitter <a href="">@RobHasAPodcast</a> and use #RHAP!<br> <a href="">Subscribe to the RHAP Survivor feed</a> for upcoming postseason interviews from more of your favorite castaways and take a look back at all the content from Survivor 45!<br>