Navigating Shredded Cheese: A Gluten-Free Guide for Celiac Disease Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995 - Articles show

Summary: 02/22/2024 - For people with celiac disease, every morsel that passes their lips can be a potential source of concern. The vigilant scrutiny of food labels is a ritual, and questions about the gluten-free status of various foods abound. One common query is whether shredded cheese is gluten-free and safe for those with celiac disease. We get more than a few question about cheese. We've done articles about how most cheese is gluten-free, and safe for people with celiac disease. We've even done an article specifically addressing gluten-free shredded cheese. Still, the questions keep coming. Most recently, we've seen more people asking: Is shredded cheese gluten-free? The Basics: Cheese and Gluten In essence, cheese is a dairy product crafted from milk, cultures, and often rennet to solidify it. The good news for those with celiac disease is that most cheeses are inherently gluten-free, making them a welcome addition to a gluten-free diet. Trusted resources like include cheese on their list of safe foods and ingredients. Unless gluten-containing ingredients are intentionally introduced during or after the cheese-making process, it's generally considered safe for individuals with celiac disease. This includes the intriguing world of moldy cheeses such as Blue, Gorgonzola, and Roquefort. Shredded Cheese: A Deeper Dive Shredded cheese, a convenient and popular form of this dairy delight, is typically just cheese that has been shredded and bagged. Most shredded cheeses maintain their natural gluten-free status, although it's not always explicitly stated on the packaging. Anti-Caking Agents It's essential to be aware that some shredded cheeses use anti-caking agents to prevent clumping and sticking. These agents can include substances like corn or potato starch. Here are examples of common anti-caking agents: Anti-Caking Blend (Potato Starch, Tapioca Starch) Potato Starch (to Prevent Caking) Powdered Cellulose (to Prevent Caking) Crucial Checks and Balances While the majority of shredded cheeses are gluten-free, the mantra "always check the label" rings true. Carefully scrutinize the ingredients to ensure that no wheat or gluten elements have been introduced during processing. Manufacturers often provide comprehensive information on packaging, but it's the responsibility of those with celiac disease to be discerning consumers. In conclusion, the shredded cheese you sprinkle on your favorite dishes is likely to be gluten-free and safe for individuals with celiac disease. The key lies in being an informed consumer. Read labels diligently, familiarize yourself with common anti-caking agents, and embrace the vast world of naturally gluten-free cheeses. With these precautions, you can savor the goodness of cheese without worry, adding a dash of delight to your gluten-free journey.