558 | Improve How You Think For The New Year, Part 2

The Chris LoCurto Show show

Summary: <b>Use the timestamps below to guide you better as a leader or individual:</b><br><ul> <li> <b>Improving mindset and problem-solving techniques.</b> <a href="https://otter.ai/u/xgWyNIXKfMZYzTe__nCzJPyimd8?tab=summary&amp;t=10s" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">0:10</a><ul> <li>Chris LoCurto discusses practical techniques to improve thinking, including breaking down challenges and problem-solving.</li> <li>He shares an example of his daughter facing a challenge and hearing him say "face your fears" to overcome it.</li> </ul> </li> <li> <b>Overcoming fear and building confidence in a 5-year-old child.</b> <a href="https://otter.ai/u/xgWyNIXKfMZYzTe__nCzJPyimd8?tab=summary&amp;t=167s" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">2:47</a><ul> <li>Chris LoCurto observes his 5-year-old daughter's fear of jumping from a curb and helps her work through it by providing encouragement and support.</li> <li>The daughter's negative self-talk and limiting beliefs are revealed through her thoughts of looking stupid and not being good enough.</li> <li>Chris LoCurto describes his daughter's growth in confidence after facing and overcoming fears, such as jumping off a stump and confronting a rooster that used to scare her.</li> <li>LoCurto encourages his daughter to face her fears and believes in her ability to overcome them, as seen in her progression from fearful to confident.</li> </ul> </li> <li> <b>Facing challenges and overcoming negative self-talk.</b> <a href="https://otter.ai/u/xgWyNIXKfMZYzTe__nCzJPyimd8?tab=summary&amp;t=437s" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">7:16</a><ul> <li>Chris LoCurto encourages listeners to face their fears and challenges, rather than allowing them to control their thoughts and actions.</li> <li>He suggests breaking down problems into smaller, manageable steps to achieve success, rather than feeling overwhelmed by the task at hand.</li> <li>Chris LoCurto encourages listeners to ask for help when facing problems, rather than resorting to negative self-talk.</li> <li>He suggests breaking down challenges into manageable steps and seeking perspective from others to gain confidence in tackling them.</li> </ul> </li> <li> <b>Embracing failure and learning from mistakes.</b> <a href="https://otter.ai/u/xgWyNIXKfMZYzTe__nCzJPyimd8?tab=summary&amp;t=753s" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">12:32</a><ul> <li>Chris LoCurto emphasizes the importance of embracing failure as a learning opportunity, rather than fearing it.</li> <li>He encourages listeners to focus on the opinions of healthy people, rather than worrying about unhealthy people's opinions.</li> <li>Chris LoCurto encourages his daughter to face her fears and learn from failure, rather than internalizing negative messages from others.</li> <li>He models a supportive and non-judgmental approach to failure, emphasizing the importance of getting back up and trying again.</li> </ul> </li> <li> <b>Building resilience and overcoming failure.</b> <a href="https://otter.ai/u/xgWyNIXKfMZYzTe__nCzJPyimd8?tab=summary&amp;t=1061s" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">17:41</a><ul> <li>Chris LoCurto encourages facing failures with a growth mindset, learning from them, and moving forward.</li> <li>Chris LoCurto emphasizes the importance of high-quality communication in personal and professional relationships.</li> <li>He advocates for building resilience in individuals who have experienced trauma, using a seesaw diagram to illustrate the concept.</li> </ul> </li> <li> <b>Resilience and handling negative situations.</b> <a href="https://otter.ai/u/xgWyNIXKfMZYzTe__nCzJPyimd8?tab=summary&amp;t=1319s" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">21:58</a><ul> <li>Chris LoCurto explains the concept of resilience, using a visual of a fulcrum and a box.</li> <li>He emphasizes the importance of being able to bounce back from negative situations, rather than being weighed down by them.</li> <li>Chris LoCurto shares his approach to handling stress, which involves turning to God in prayer and being...</li> </ul> </li> </ul>