Social Media Security Podcast 37 – Special Guest Kevin Johnson (@Secureideas), Managing Your Digital Footprint

Shared Security show

Summary: This is the 37th episode of the Social Media Security Podcast sponsored by <a style="color: #055493;" href="">SecureState</a> and the <a style="color: #055493;" href="">Streetwise Security Zone</a>.  This episode was hosted by <a style="color: #055493;" href="">Tom Eston</a>, <a style="color: #055493;" href="">Scott Wright</a> and special guest <a href="">Kevin Johnson</a> recorded September 19th 2014.  Below are the show notes, links to articles and news mentioned in the podcast:<br> Special Topic! Managing Your Digital Footprint (thanks to <a href="">Chris John Riley</a> for the idea!)<br> <br> * Personal objectives for using social media<br> * Types of footprints you might have (likes, comments, photos, tags, etc.)<br> * Ways you can be exposed, and how to find them (Google search, Facebook search, Linkedin Search, etc.)<br> * Ways to manage exposure going forward<br> * This site has a good, short set of tips to review: <a style="color: #551a8b;" href=";sa=D&amp;sntz=1&amp;usg=AFrqEzcTjpP2HULiDck_4E5znJf2R_gTBQ"></a><br> <br> LinkedIn address book guessing…<br> <a style="color: #551a8b;" href=";sa=D&amp;sntz=1&amp;usg=AFrqEzcgEPlkQ-nIZd3bCYct3Xr8zDrvZw"></a><br> The LinkedIn LION – Are You Exposing Yourself to the Hyenas?<br> <a style="color: #551a8b;" href=";sa=D&amp;sntz=1&amp;usg=AFrqEzc2E0UOPn-r3984-FA1EI3st4SLfg"></a><br> Please send any show feedback to feedback [aT] or comment below.  You can also call our voice mail box at 1-613-693-0997 if you have a question for our Q&amp;A section on the next episode.  Don’t forget  to <a style="color: #055493;" href="">subscribe to the podcast in iTunes</a>, <a style="color: #055493;" href="">follow us on Twitter</a> and <a style="color: #055493;" href="">like us on Facebook</a>.  Thanks for listening!<br>