Unexpected | With Leonard Crofoot | TNG 1.13, "Angel One" | T7R #215

The 7th Rule -- A Star Trek Podcast with DS9's Cirroc Lofton show

Summary: <b>Cirroc Lofton (Jake Sisko in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine), Denise Crosby (Tasha Yar on Star Trek: The Next Generation), and sci-fi producer, Ryan T. Husk, review Star Trek: The Next Generation, season 1 episode 13, "Angel One." </b><br><br><b>Special guest:</b> Leonard Crowfoot!<br><i><a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbldpaGtNa3FmdGotOEprelE1TXhRV0xCNWJSZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsczBKbUZwd2xhLWpuektLeHB5V0RQQ094RjlEM2Rldzl2SVVqT2tuOER5Y0l6OGlPa3ZTSDlQN0U4cDliVlF6YUUyNHhLcEhrT2I2TG5BNV85NFFmMWc0LVhjQVQyWjBYeUFQN0hLcW52WTJ3cnZmOA&amp;q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.leonardcrofoot.com%2F&amp;v=Q2EvQNq7aDc" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">https://www.leonardcrofoot.com/</a></i><br><i></i><br><b>Producer: </b>Ryan T. Husk.<br><b>Audio Engineer: </b>Scott Jensen.<br><br><b>Executive Producer: </b>Dr. Susan V. Gruner &amp; Jason Okun.<br><br><b> Associate Producers: </b>Homer Frizzell, Dr. Ann Marie Segal, Eve England, Yvette Blackmon-Tom, TJ Jackson-Bey, Bill Victor Arucan, Titus Mohler, Darlena Marie Blander, Dr. Mohamed Noor, Tierney C. Dieckmann, Anna Post, Rex A. Wood, Anil O. Polat, Joe Balsarotti, Mike Gu, Dr. Stephanie Baker, Dequeue, Neal Akasaka, Justine Norton-Kertson, Carrie Schwent, Faith Howell, Edward Foltz AKA Crewman guy, Mai, Live From Tokyo, Matt Boardman, Chris McGee, Justin Weir, Jake Barrett, Jane Jorgensen, Henry Unger, Jed Thompson, Allyson Leach-Heid, Luther Haynes Jr., Dr. Courtney Lewis &amp; Beth Ernest.<br><br><b>Special thanks to </b>Linda Anderegg.<br><b>Spacial thanks to </b>Malisa Longo.<br><br><b>Every week, we rewatch an episode of The Next Generation, relive and review it. Join us!</b><br><b>Rewatch TNG every week and get in on the discussion - we'd love to have you!</b><br><br><b>If you enjoy our content please leave us a five star rating and comment/review.</b><br><b></b><br><b>Support and join the community here:</b><br><i>https://www.patreon.com/The7thRule</i><br><br><b>Watch the episodes with full video here:</b><br><i>https://www.youtube.com/c/The7thRule</i><br><br><b>Social media:</b><br><i>https://twitter.com/7thRule</i><br><i>https://www.facebook.com/The7thRule/</i><br><i>https://www.facebook.com/groups/The7thRule</i><br><br><b>Get cool T7R merchandise here:</b><br><i>https://the-7th-rule.creator-spring.com/</i><br><br><b>Malissa Longo creates fun and functional Star Trek art at</b>:<br><i>https://theintrovertedrepublic.com/</i><br><br><b>Get radical Trek swag at Ryan's online store here: </b><br><i>https://star-trek-and-chill.myshopify.com/</i><br><br><i>We continue The 7th Rule journey without our friend, our brother, Aron Eisenberg.</i><br><i>He is still with us in spirit, in stories, in laughter, and in memories, and the show must go on.</i><br>