Matt Waldman’s RSP Cast: The 2022 WR Class Solo Cast

Matt Waldman's RSP Cast show

Summary: <br> Matt Waldman’s RSP Cast discusses why the 2022 NFL Wide Receiver prospect class is the most boom-bust group he's seen in a while and covers what matters in his scouting of the position. <br> Reminder: If you haven’t already, please check out <a href=";utm_medium=copy_link_all&amp;utm_campaign=m_pd+share-sheet">John Hodgins’ GoFundMe</a> story. He and his wife tried to recover on their own from a violent crime that cost them their retirement home and have been living day-to-day for too long. Even sharing their GoFundMe can be helpful, so please visit, read his story, and donate. I have.<br> <br> This week’s Pod:<br> <br> * Why this class potentially a lot of hidden values and trap doors with examples for each below:<br> <br> * Injuries<br> * Scheme-based talents<br> * Big enough to ride the Sunday rollecoaster?<br> * Great athletic ability but underdeveloped skills<br> * Underdeveloped athletic ability but great positional skills<br> <br> <br> * Some of the key areas I seek from receiver prospects:<br> <br> * Separation: Variation, Violence, Precision, and Poker<br> * Athletic Separation: Speed vs. Acceleration vs. Quickness vs. Leaping Ability<br> * Routes: Stems, Setups, and Breaks<br> * Catching: Hands Position, Body Position, Focus<br> * Transitions and Vision.<br> <br> <br> <br> For the most in-depth analysis of offensive skill players available (QB, RB, WR, and TE), download the 2022<a href=""> Rookie Scouting Portfolio</a> for $21.95. <br> <br> Matt’s new <a href="">RSP Dynasty Rankings and Two-Year Projections Package</a> is available for $24.95<br> <br> If you’re a fantasy owner and interested in purchasing past publications for $9.95 each, the 2012-2020 RSPs also have a Post-Draft Add-on that’s included at no additional charge.  <br> <br> Best yet, proceeds from sales are set aside for a year-end donation to Darkness to Light to combat sexual abuse.