Matt Waldman's RSP Story Time: The Stowaway

Matt Waldman's RSP Cast show

Summary: Photo by Aero Icarus <a href=""></a><br> Matt Waldman follow-up to a hilarious RSP Story Time debut is his tale about successfully stowing away on a U.S. commercial airline flight at age 14. <br> Friday is my one day off from football. It’s a day I devote to music lessons, reading, movies, and other mediums of value. In addition to sharing my Reads, Listens, and Views (a feature I’m bringing back to the site this year), I’m also collecting true stories from friends and colleagues.<br> <br> If you’re interested in being a part of this, feel free to email me at and we’ll consider recording it.<br> <br> Adam Dorn's hiliarious bet with KISS bassist Gene Simmons is a great tale for your drive home. RSP Storytime follows it up wtih one of my own stories: Stowing away on a commercial airline flight.<br> <br> A John Hughes 80's movie come to life.<br> <br><br> <br> Enjoy.