Help for dogs with noise anxiety

The Space Coast Pet Podcast show

Summary: Whether legal in one's state or not, Americans love our time honored tradition of blowing off fireworks every July 4th.  Unfortunately for some dogs, July 4th (and New Year's Eve in my home state of Florida) can take a serious mental toll on them and triggere serious anxiety.  Levels of sound anxiety vary in dogs from mild to being so severe that it even manifests in physical signs of disease, for example, stress colitis.  In this episode, Dr. Roger updates his favorite strategies for helping dogs that suffer from sound triggere triggered anxiety to help his listeners best provide comfort for their dogs this July 4th. Dr. Roger Welton is a practicing veterinarian and media personality, CEO/attending veterinarian at Premier Veterinary Care , and author of the top selling book, The Man In The White Coat.  Dr. Roger selects listener emails to be addressed on the air, so if interested in having your voice heard on the podcast, email comments or questions to  For more content from Dr. Roger visit his blog at and you can also follow his public Facebook profile by friend requesting "Roger Welton DVM".