Robert Johnson Revisited Part 1 (A Re-Release Of Robert Johnson And The Progenitors Of The Blues)

The Imbalanced History of Rock and Roll show

Summary: The re-release of our double episode about Robert Johnson And The Progenitors Of The Blues, which originally debuted in November 2019, is sparked by our interview with Preston Lauterbach, which will post on 7/6/20. He and Robert Johnson’s half-sister, Annye C. Anderson have written the family’s story about Mr. J., “Brother Robert: Growing Up With Robert Johnson.” Part One is re-released now, and look for Part 2, our addendum, if you will, on Thursday 7/2/20. That leads up to the release of Brother Robert: Truth Behind A Blues Legend on 7/6. That’s a lot of Robert Johnson, but it’s groundbreaking, legend shifting, devil-legend dispelling stuff! This show is part of Pantheon Podcasts