Remain In Love: Talking Heads, Tom Tom Club, Tina

The Imbalanced History of Rock and Roll show

Summary: Chris Frantz talks Remain In Love and his Rock And Roll Life With a great new book from Chris Frantz, Co-Founder/Drummer of Talking Heads and The Tom Tom Club, called Remain In Love: Talking Heads, Tom Tom Club, Tina, being released 7/20/20 by St. Martin’s Press. We were able to read the book and speak with Chris about his book, life, love and more. Chris shares moments, stories and gratitude for his Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame life. One of the many beautiful aspects of Remain in Love is that it’s a story with a happy ending. Chris’s stories of love are woven together beautifully. You can find Remain In Love at any bookseller including independent book stores. Be sure to follow Chris Frantz on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Here’s a Youtube link to the Talking Heads concert from Rome 1980 which we discuss in the interview: This show is part of Pantheon Podcasts