Freedom of Trial and Error

Wake Up and Level Up show

Summary: In today’s episode, we’re diving into the exciting and transformative power of experimentation. Your guide, Mario Armstrong, shares his personal journey of experimentation through a new roundtable show concept, mirroring an “ESPN for entrepreneurship.” Tune in to hear about the liberating freedom found in trial and error, and how failure becomes a myth when you approach your endeavors as experiments.<br> Key Points:<br> <br> * Embrace Experimentation: Mario encourages listeners to approach personal, career, or business goals as experiments. This perspective turns potential failure into learning opportunities and fosters growth.<br> * Enjoy the Process: Focus on the process, not just the outcomes. Even if the results are not immediately clear, the act of trying new things brings unanticipated outcomes and valuable lessons.<br> * The Myth of Failure: In the world of experimentation, failure doesn’t exist. Every trial, regardless of the outcome, is a learning experience that contributes to your growth and evolution.<br> <br> What are your current experiments? Share your stories and insights with Mario on Instagram <a href="" target="_new" rel="noopener">@MarioArmstrong</a>.<br> I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!!! Please also take a moment to fill out the podcast survey:<br><br> Your feedback is vital as we strive to create more relevant content and plan new events, including virtual meetups, for 2024.<br> Thanks for joining us on this journey of discovery and growth. Until next time, wake up, level up, and embrace the adventure of experimentation!<br>