Who’s Afraid of Not-So-Big, Not-So-Bad Fox News?

The Daily Evolver show

Summary: <a href="https://www.dailyevolver.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/rove_analyst_rect.jpg"></a>Fox News has itself been making news the last week or so. First was the report that their ratings have fallen, part of a two-year slide. Then a couple days ago Public Policy Polling released data showing that viewer trust in Fox News has fallen to an all-time low, down 8% in two years.<br> This slide has been no doubt exacerbated by Fox News’ “in-the-bubble” coverage of the presidential election (culminating in the surreal, and now infamous, <a href="http://deadspin.com/5958372/karl-rove-in-denial-melts-down-on-fox-news-attempts-to-get-network-to-rescind-calling-election" target="_blank" rel="noopener">election night scene of Karl Rove</a> playing the role of Republican Baghdad Bob in his refusal to believe the results coming in from Ohio).<br> I recorded a few thoughts about Fox News and the evolving role they play in American tribal politics and culture wars. Audio is posted below…<br>