Today’s Next-Stage Organizations - Guest: Frederic Laloux

The Daily Evolver show

Summary: Each stage of human development features a unique way of organizing work. From hunting and gathering, to agriculture, to industry, to the Information Age, each emergent represents a radical evolutionary expansion of capacity, and each remakes the world in its turn.<br> So what’s next? Frederic Laloux‘s blockbuster book,<a href=";psc=1&amp;refRID=92BMA3Z964R6FJXKD7KX" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> Reinventing Organizations</a>, offers  compelling answers to that question. A McKinsey consultant for many years, Fred has identified and researched what he calls “next stage“ organizations, and identifies the specific features that set them apart.   <br> The key emergent of next-stage organizations harkens back to early human history: small bands of people on a mission, each deeply seen and valued by the others, responding together to changing conditions and making their way forward. <br> Today’s cutting-edge version of archaic bands are self-managed teams, which have become the building blocks of companies of all types and sizes. It’s a fascinating (and explicitly integral!) thesis whose success is demonstrated in organizations all over the world. <br> In this conversation with Jeff Salzman, Frederic Laloux unpacks his key ideas and lays out some of the new rules of the road ahead.  <br>